& Values
We seek to reflect the interests
and needs of our community.
We need help with planting Tulip Bulbs around the Community Center next week so Spring will Bloom beautifully!
The Community Center is the recipient of 2000 tulip bulbs from Van Engelen Bulb Co.! We need many hands (and tools) to get these planted before they perish.
Please join us and bring a friend on any of the following days/times until we get them all in!
Monday Nov. 18 - 12:00noon - 4:00pm
Tuesday Nov. 19 - 9:00am - 1:00pm
Wednesday Nov. 20 - 12:00noon - 4:00pm
Thursday Nov. 21 - 9:00am - 4:00pm
Friday Nov. 22 - 9:00am - 1:00pm
PlayWell LEGO inspired engineering classes return for kids K-8 for week long camps!
Bash ‘Em Bots with LEGO® Materials (ages 5-12) 1:00pm-4:00pm:
Have you ever wanted to learn how to make a massive motorized LEGO® machine? Our Play Well Engineering instructors guide students in this advanced Play-Well engineering camp, as they re-engineer standard LEGO® vehicles into mechanized machines that can traverse challenging obstacles, battle against fellow bots, and take on Play-Well Instructors’ colossal creations.
$160.00 pp. Pre-registration and pre-payment is required.
PLUS check out Extra Brick camp: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Make it a full day of camp fun!
Participants have the opportunity to spend the whole day at the Litchfield Community Center.
Students in the afternoon session are dropped off at 9am and spend the morning participating in camp games and activities!
At noon, we have an hour lunch and large group activity before the groups switch and those in the morning Lego program stay outside for normal camp activities!
$60.00 pp. Pre-registration and pre-payment is required.
PRESS RELEASE: December 11, 2018
Information: Berta Andrulis, Executive Director Litchfield Community Center
860-567-8302 litchfieldcommunitycenter@gmail.com
From Paul Winter:
"This Winter Solstice we will pay homage to the half-century lineage of the Consort. Listening now to our early recordings, I’m grateful to be able to feel that they have, at least for me, stood the test of time. We are working toward an anniversary boxed-set of our many recordings, which will be released in 2019.
For now, we want to offer free downloads of some of this music here..."
"My first band, the Paul Winter Sextet, had a great run in the early ‘60s, and the experiences from our travels led me to envision a new kind of group, one that would embrace all the traditions I had come to love. It was while living in Brazil, then, in the mid-‘60s, that I got much of the inspiration for the instrumentation of this new ensemble. The group evolved then after that with the encouragement of my friend Paul Stookey (of Peter, Paul and Mary), who produced our first two albums. I chose the name “Consort” for the band, full well realizing that people might think it was just “concert” spelled wrong. I liked both meanings of the word:
Cónsort, /?känsôrt/, Noun: A small group of musicians making music together.
Consórt, /k?n?sôrt/, Verb: To associate, accord, harmonize; get together.
I wrote a manifesto for this new band:
“My idea of consort is an organic ensemble in which the authentic voice of each player can be heard, and in which ensemble-playing and soloing are of equal importance. I imagine it as an analog to a pure democracy, in which there is equal commitment to the well-being of the whole and to the expression of each individual within it. Everyone’s vote (voice) counts.
Free Consort Tracks
Here are 8 tracks from the Consort’s first period (1968 to 1972).
This is our adaptation of a Rumanian folk melody we heard in a piano piece by Bela Bartok. It features improvised variations by cellist Richard Bock.
This was my first arrangement for the instrumentation of the Consort. The cello counterlines were inspired by the Prelude of Bach’s First Cello Suite.
These tracks are from our 1968 album, The Winter Consort, produced by Noel Paul Stookey, with myself on alto sax; Richard Bock / cello; Gene Murrow / English horn; Virgil Scott / alto flute; Gene Bertoncini / guitar; John Beal / bass; Ruth Ben-Zvi / darbuke; Jim Kappes / drums (Leon Rix / drums on “Both Sides Now”).
I became fascinated early on with the 13-string Baroque Lute, which is like a classical guitar on steroids. Karl Herreshoff was a superb guitarist who was also a student of this amazing lute. This composition is by the most famous lutenist of the 18th century, Leopold Weiss, who reputedly was a good friend of J.S. Bach. We’ve created new melodies for the Consort over-top the lute piece.
This is from our 1969 album, Something in the Wind, produced by Noel Paul Stookey, with myself on alto sax; Paul McCandless / English horn; Richard Bock / cello; Virgil Scott / alto flute; Karl Herreshoff / baroque lute; John Beal / bass; and Steve Booker / drums.
This is from our 1970 summer tour, recorded live at Royce Hall, UCLA. It was Paul McCandless’s first recording on oboe.
This suite includes the “Fantasy” for guitar by Mudarra, arranged by Ralph Towner; a Bach “Fugue” from one of the Orchestral Suites; and Ralph’s composition “Ghost Beads.”
(“Ghost Beads” has the honor of, along with another of Ralph’s compositions for the Consort, "Icarus," having a crater on the moon named after it. Cellist David Darling’s brother-in-law, Joe Allen, was the scientist-astronaut in charge of the Apollo 15 mission, and he gave those astronauts a cassette of this album, to listen to en route to the moon. The astronauts got to name new craters they discovered, and they named two of them from these pieces they liked on the album.)
These three tracks are from our 1970 album, Road, produced by Phil Ramone, with myself on alto sax; Paul McCandless / oboe and English horn; David Darling / cello; Ralph Towner / guitar; Glen Moore / bass; and Collin Walcott / congas, tambourine, tabla.
David Darling played the seed-themes of this piece in the dressing room at the Fillmore East, in New York, when we played there in the spring of 1971. I captured them on a cassette recorder and then urged David to develop then into a composition. This piece gave us a context for continuing our exploration of new instruments, including the contrabass sarrusophone (heard in the introduction and ending), and the sitar, which Collin Walcott had learned during the years he was road manager for Ravi Shankar. This piece incorporates a unique string quartet, of classical guitar, sitar, cello, and bass.
These three tracks are from the 1971 album Icarus, produced by George Martin, with myself on soprano sax; Paul McCandless / oboe; David Darling / cello; Ralph Towner / guitar, regal (on “Sunwheel”); Herb Bushler / bass; and Collin Walcott / percussion, sitar. (Billy Cobham plays drums on “Sunwheel,” and Larry Atamanuik on “Icarus.”)"
Download FREE tracks:
Family SummerFest Week July 23rd - 27th! FREE Programs ALL Week for ALL AGES!
Monday, July 23:
Tuesday, July 24:
Wednesday, July 25:
Thursday, July 26:
Friday, July 27:
Pre-registration is appreciated for ALL Programs/Events BUT walk-in are ALWAYS welcome!
You can register at www.thecommunitycenter.org or give us a call at 860 567 8302, or email us at info@thecommunitycenter.org
Wonderful events and programs still to come in March! Still time to register! Here are just a few of our awesome happenings...
Day Trip to Waterbury Symphony presents Master Musician Garrick Ohlsson: Sunday, March 11, 2pm, $35 - Depart LCC at 2pm, show starts at 3pm, return to LCC after show. Show is at the Naugatuck Valley Community College Fine Arts Center. Transportation provided on the LCC Van. Transportation, and admission included in price.
Family Dinner: Wednesdays, March 14, and 28, 5:30-7pm, Donations Welcome! Enjoy a relaxing meal, and social time! Hosted by Food Rescue US NW CT and the LCC.
7th & 8th Grade Welcome to Spring Party!: Friday, March 16, 7-9:30pm, $5 @ the door. Live DJ, Games, Snacks, And More! Open to ALL AREA 7th and 8th graders!!!
Live Learn Lunch - Assistive Technology Demo: Monday, March 19, 11am-12pm. Charlene Wicks of the Western CT Area Agency on Aging will give demos on assistive devices such as magnifiers, phone amplifiers, vibrating alarm clocks, talking watches, and kitchen utensils, just to name a few. This demo will enable an individual to make an informed decision as to which device will work best for their needs. The items demonstrated may help you or smone you know to live, work, or play more independently and with more freedom. Q&A and lunch to follow. Must pre-register for lunch.
Family Pizza, and Game Night!: Friday March 23, 5-8pm. The family that plays together (and eats together) stays together! Come take a break, and re-group from the craziness of everday life, and have a good time with family, and friends! Pizza, games, pool, table tennis, and more! Come, and go as you please, or stay the whole time! RSVP for pizza appreciated. Register online, or call the LCC. Sponsored by the Litchfield Prevention Council, and the LCC.
For more detail on these great events/programs, and to check out all of our offerings, visit us at www.thecommunitycenter.org , email info@thecommunitycenter.org , or call us at 860 567 8302.
This year marks the 16th Annual Bob and Peg Andrulis Sweetheart 5 Mile Run, and 3 Mile Walk! Join us on Saturday, February 17th, and help continue a lasting tradition. Pre-registration encouraged, day of registration available from 9:00AM till race start, at 11:00AM. 5 Mile Course is USATF Certified. T-shirts are guaranteed to the first 150 registrants. Price is $25pp, $10 children 10yo and younger, and FREE for participants 80yo or older! Registration will increase to $30 on 2/08/17 so register today, and save! Start and finish of race at the Litchfield Community Center, 421 Bantam Rd. Litchfield, CT. Proceeds to benefit the LCC.
Register here: http://www.lightboxreg.com/16th-annual-bob-and-peg-andrulis-sweetheart-run?func=&mobile=0
More events to look forward to this month:
2/9/17 - Date Night Cooking Class w/ Celeb Chef John Ferrucci: Hands-on cooking class for a date night menu with Capon Cordon Bleu. Seasonal Vegetables, and Potato. Dessert will be apple and cheese strudel! Each couple will prepare the capon in three different styles and we will discuss the final result at the end of the night when we sit down and enjoy the meal. A suggested wine to pair would be a chardonnay or sauvignon blanc, or feel free to bring your favorite beverage to enjoy with dinner.
Register here: http://thecommunitycenter.org/event.php?id=7450
2/12/17 - Live Learn Lunch ~ Road Scholars Educational Adventures: Doug and Ellen Stevens, Road Scholar is the not-for-profit leader in educational travel for adults. Like a University of the World, we offer thousands of educational travel adventures around the globe, from studying art in Arizona to learning about zoology in Zambia. Our participants can choose from 5,500 learning adventures on an extraordinary range of topics and interests. Our faculty consists of world renowned experts who offer insider access not available to the independent traveler.
Register here: http://thecommunitycenter.org/event.php?id=7081
2/16/17 - Friday Feast and Dancing Feet!: Every 3rd Friday of the month! Always a blast, attracting 50+ people each month. Enjoy a great lunch, at an even greater price - only $7pp! All while enjoying great music, and dancing brought to you by Michael Ciulla this month. Music made possible by the NW CT Community Foundation/Litchfield Community Center Music Fund.
Register here: http://thecommunitycenter.org/event.php?id=7052
2/20/17 - Youth Day Trip to iT Ropes Course New Haven: Adventure Indoor Ropes Course! Enjoy the IT Ropes Course, Zip IT Zip Lines, and Jump IT Free-Fall Simulation! Aferwards, enjoy lunch at Blaze Pizza. Depart on LCC Van at 10AM, and return to LCC approximately 3:30PM. Youth must be 48'' tall to participate.
Register here: http://thecommunitycenter.org/event.php?id=7482
2/21/17 - Family Dinner: Open to ALL! Enjoy a relaxing meal and social time! Hosted by Food Rescue US NW CT and Litchfield Community Center.
Register here: http://thecommunitycenter.org/event.php?id=7445
2/22/17 - CT Flower & Garden Show Day Trip: The Convention Center will be transfromed into a breathtaking event for floral, and garden enthusiasts. Explore over 300 booths, view beautifully landscaped gardens. Seminars & Demos...All included in your admission ticket. Visit the Federated Garden Clubs of CT design & horticulture competition based on the theme "Breath of Spring", featuring stunning design arrangements in unique themed settings. Lunch on your own with choice of food vendors on site or bring bag lunch.
Register here: http://thecommunitycenter.org/event.php?id=7452
2/23/17 - Kais & Dollz Puerto Rico Relief Fundraiser: Enjoy a musical concert by 4 young local musicians, "Kais & Dollz", to benefit The Hurrican Relief Community Recovery Fund. Refreshments to be served. $10 suggested donation a the door.
For most up to date information on our program, and events, please check out our online calendar at: www.thecommunitycenter.org
Saturday Nov. 4, 2017
Litchfield Community Center's Starry Night Cafe returns featuring The Peter McEachern/Dave Santoro Quintet.
Don your jeans, sip some gin, swing and sway to cool jazz.
Doors open at 7:00pm, music is 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Ticket price of $75.00 pp includes cocktails, beer, soft drinks and bar food.
Music made possible by NW CT Community Foundation Litchfield Community Center Music Fund.
Click here to make your reservation!
SummerFest 2017 was a wonderful night!
Thank you to all our sponsors, guests and volunteers for making it such a special event.
Go to the link below to see the photo album of all the pictures.
If you would like to purchase any of the photos, contact Jill Davenport, Litchfield Hills Photography at the link in the album.