& Values
We seek to reflect the interests
and needs of our community.
We need help with planting Tulip Bulbs around the Community Center next week so Spring will Bloom beautifully!
The Community Center is the recipient of 2000 tulip bulbs from Van Engelen Bulb Co.! We need many hands (and tools) to get these planted before they perish.
Please join us and bring a friend on any of the following days/times until we get them all in!
Monday Nov. 18 - 12:00noon - 4:00pm
Tuesday Nov. 19 - 9:00am - 1:00pm
Wednesday Nov. 20 - 12:00noon - 4:00pm
Thursday Nov. 21 - 9:00am - 4:00pm
Friday Nov. 22 - 9:00am - 1:00pm