The Litchfield Community Center is a non-profit organization serving Litchfield
and the surrounding communities of Connecticut since 2000, offering
daily creative, intellectual and recreational programs for all ages. Residents
and non-residents are welcome to join us.
& Values
LCC is a non-profit organization that receives no funds from the Town of Litchfield's annual budget. We rely on the contributions and support of you, the community and private foundations to fulfill our mission daily. Thank You!
2,068 attended
children, youth &
teen programs
8,525 adults
4,024 people
attended more than
522 FREE programs
1,217 programs &
events presented
76 rentals of facility
for private events,
organizations &
business meeting
LCC is a non-profit organization that receives no funds from the Town of Litchfield's annual budget. We rely on the contributions and support of you, the community and private foundations to fulfill our mission daily. Thank You!
90k 17%
80k 15%
65k 13%
246k 47%
53% of our funding comes from the community, 47% comes from an endowment
Annual Appeal
Program Revenue
Facility Rentals
Please be assured the Community Center Staff will be at the ready to serve you and will follow all required protocol to protect ourselves and others.
All staff, visitors and participants will be required to practice social distancing, wear mask/facial covering of mouth and nose and sign in upon arrival. Hand sanitizer will be stationed around the property for your use and we encourage you to use it often! We must all do our part to act responsibly and stay healthy. By adhering to these important intentions we minimize the everyday risk amid the ongoing pandemic.
As we continue to navigate COVID-19 and implement all the required State of CT guidelines for reopening to the public and operating on a daily basis, we are certainly looking forward to seeing our friends. We are committed to giving our community a space and place that is safe and comfortable to participate and enjoy familiar programs and activities, as well as some special offerings. We also welcome your ideas!
We are pleased to have outdoor areas that have been tented (*a large 30’x60’ and two 10’x20’ tents*) along with our patio and lawn to offer group activities, lectures, exercise classes and more! Restrooms will be open and sanitized regularly. General public access to the building will continue to be limited and restricted during June 29 – August 30.
Special Note: The Litchfield Community Center Staff and Board of Directors, reserve the right to deny entry or terminate participation of any visitor or program attendee who does not follow State requirements, local health authority guidelines and our organization’s protocol for social distancing, the wearing of masks/facial covering of mouth and nose and all other criteria related to minimizing the risk and protecting ourselves and others from the spread of COVID-19. We also reserve the right to cancel or postpone a program or activity as necessary.
Go to our website to see our July events!
*Contact us for more information on renting the tents and other LCC amenities for a private event
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