Live, Learn and Lunch: Something Old, Something New: Connecticut Weddings Through the Ages

11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Location: Atrium Cost: FREE * Pre-registration is required *REGISTRATION CLOSED*

Something Old, Something New: Connecticut Weddings Through the Ages

From colonial to modern times, how did Connecticans tie the knot? How did they celebrate? What did they wear? And how did some of our cherished wedding customs originate? This program uses CHS’s extensive collection of wedding clothing, accessories, photographs and prints to examine some of our ideas about what makes a “traditional” wedding, and what those traditions can reveal about how ideas about marriage have changed through the years.

Includes Light Lunch ~ Donation welcome

Presented by: Natalie Belanger, Adult Programs Manager Connecticut Historical Society
Natalie is the Adult Programs Manager at the Connecticut
Historical Society. She holds a B.A. in history from Smith College
and an M.A. in women’s history from the University of Maryland.
She has worked in museum education for most of her career, and also teaches history courses at Manchester Community College.

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