Mindfulness Meditation - Live interactive Zoom

10:00 am - 10:30 am

Location: Cost: FREE * Registration required to receive Zoom invite

Every Thursday, presented by Sheila Hope
Email Sheila at sheilahope@gmail.com for a Zoom invitation link!

Zoom meeting from the comfort of your home!
Zoom invite will be sent leading up to date of program.

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought
over another”. - William James

If perhaps in these times of uncertainty, of loss and worry, you find the nature of thought to be loud, persistent, unsettling; join me to learn how we can cultivate moments of peace and rest.

Mindfulness Mediation practices, handed down through many centuries, are known to help us settle the mind and restore balance so we can better face what each day brings.

Our best health is aligned with our resilience in living with “what is”.
Join me for an overview of the practices; leave with a few techniques to quiet the heart and mind; and hopefully, inspiration to begin a meditation practice of your own!

BIO: Sheila is a life-long meditator, concluding a 2-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program with Tara Brach & Jack Kornfield through Sounds True and the Greater Good Science Center. She has taught yoga and meditation for many years. She offers clear and direct practices for reducing stress while gaining valuable “Insight” towards living a more easeful life.

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