*NO* Chair Silver Sneakers

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Location: Atrium Cost: Bring your Member ID Number * Questions? Visit silversneakers.com or call 1-888-423-4632

Class Description:
30-minute chair exercise after a brief warm-up. You will use hand weights and assistance bands and incorporate moves/stretches' ideal for those who prefer to sit during a class!

SilverSneakers can help seniors live their best lives.
Participants may experience greater energy, increased strength and improved balance and flexibility.
The benefit is included in 60+ Medicare plans.
This Modified Silver Sneakers class which includes chairs, hand weights, tubing and balls.

Also see Thursdays 10:30am

Instructor: Janice Connor, Certified Instructor.

Class fee is covered by most Health Plans.
If you are not covered, class is $8.00 pp.

Go to SilverSneakers to check for eligibility.

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